You Can Make A Difference

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Every donation, big or small, is a huge help to us and the children we serve. You can donate today to bring a child one step closer to finally being in a safe and healthy home.  

“The question is not whether we can afford to invest in every child; it is whether we can afford not to.”  – Marian Wright Edelman

The support of our generous donors enabled Colonial CASA’s volunteers to advocate for every abused and neglected child with the judicial system in the cities of Williamsburg and Poquoson and the counties of James City and York.  In order to continue serving children in our community who need our help, we rely on the support from caring individuals and businesses like you.

Donation Levels

Champion Club          $ 2,500

Advocate Club           $ 1,000

Star Club                    $   500

Admiral Club              $   250

Hope                           $   100

Educate                      $     50

Thank You!

Contact Us

Tel: (757) 229-3306
Fax: (757) 229-3972
3917 Midlands Road, Ste 2A
Williamsburg, VA 23188

Office Hours

Monday -Thursday 8:00 – 4:30
Friday: 8:00 – noon – working remotely